Theme: Revitalization of Kingdom Education in Africa

Title: Pneumagogy: A Proposed Theory for Effective Teaching and Learning in Christian Kingdom Education


Following the series of developed theories underlying teaching and learning and their untamed infiltration into the Christian education ministry, there is a need to develop a theoretical approach to the teaching-learning process in Christian education if Christian Kingdom Education is to occupy its rightful place and fulfil its divine goals. Thus, the main objective of this research paper is to propose a learning theory that will engender a paradigm shift in our Christian educational system. This new theory, pneumagogy or hagiospneumagogy is a sharp departure from the universal theories of learning. No doubt, the most reliable way of imparting positive knowledge in Christian Education is to choose the divinely inspired learning theory. Hence, the main thrust of this paper is to propose pneumagogy as an innovative learning theory for effective and efficient teaching and learning in Christian Education. The study revealed that theories that are biblically based, Christ-centred, and Holy Spirit-driven, like pneumagogy, are better than secular, non-biblically based theories.

Keywords: Christian Kingdom Education, Holy Spirit, Pneumagogy, Teaching-learning Process, Theory

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Cite as full-note:
Ilesanmi, Dele Alaba. “Christian Kingdom Education, Holy Spirit, Pneumagogy, Teaching-learning Process, Theory”. African Journal of Kingdom Education. Vol. 1, Iss. 2 (2023).
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8310903

Published in:
African Journal of Kingdom Education

e-ISSN: 1596-0943

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Publication Date:
August 20, 2023 


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Christian Education


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Kingdom Research Centre